
At UiB we have installed Appnitro’s Machform in order to provide a web-based application for University of Bergen users to create their own web-forms easy and simple.

Our implementation is called: “Skjemaker”, which plays on the words: “Skjema”, which means Schema, and “Maker”, a creator. Also the word itself is made up of two words: “Skje” and “Maker”.

“Skjemaker” is a Norwegian word for a craftsman who makes spoons, where “skje” is the norwegian word for a spoon.

More about Machform can be found here:

The application is written in PHP and javascript, and is using a Mysql database for storing the data. We have added a ldap user validation to our centralized user identity system, so users can log in and be identified with their University of Bergen account.

More information (only in Norwegian, sorry) can be found here:

2 thoughts on “Machform

  1. I was wondering if you might be willing to provide some details on the MachForm LDAP integration you setup at UiB. We’re looking at rolling that out here Vanderbilt, and LDAP is something we’ll be needing to provide at some point to our faculty, staff, and students. Our team would love to chat with you about this if you have some time. Also, do you have any documentation that might be shareable on your implementation?

    Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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