7 February, 201414 February, 2014bash, Linux Check http headers with wget If you want to see the http headers from your shell, you can do it with: wget –no-check-certificate –server-response –spider https://yourwebsite.something […]
24 February, 201330 October, 2013Linux rdesktop from Linux You can easily access your Windows computer desktop from a Linux computer with the tool rdesktop: [bash]rdesktop -u username -d domainname -k […]
7 February, 201322 October, 2015bash, Linux Colours in nano I am writing most of my bash script with nano editor. If one want to get colours in nano, on can do: […]
30 November, 201226 January, 2013Linux dig Sometimes you like to know some more what is behind a web-address or a domain-name. Then the linux command ‘dig’ can be […]
22 October, 201230 November, 2012Linux Find your files In Linux you can use the command ‘find’ to find files and folders and then also do something with them on your […]
3 September, 201230 November, 2012Git, Linux Git Git is a tool that can help you track changes in your files, specially when you share your files with your friends […]
3 September, 201230 November, 2012Linux Using unix command ‘du’, disk usage Sometimes you like to know which folders are using up all your space on your Linux server. This command will sum up […]