14 June, 201225 October, 2012Linux Emails from Linux with æ, ø and å Sometimes one need to send an email from Linux (automated messages, warnings and so on). The problem is that the content looks […]
13 June, 201214 November, 2012bash, Linux, Mail Use ‘mutt’ to send email with attachment The unix ‘mutt’ command can be used to send an email with attachment: mutt -s “Test message” name@something -a files.tar < message.txt […]
11 June, 201211 December, 2017Database, Linux, Postgresql Postgresql 8.1 database bash dump script I’ve wrote a simple bash script to dump databases from a Postgresql 8.1 database server which uses the pg_dump and pg_dumpall. #!/bin/bash […]
25 May, 201225 October, 2012bash, Linux tar Create a tar file of files located in a folder: tar -cvf filname.tar foldername/ where: c = create v = verbose f […]
25 April, 20129 October, 2017bash, Ldap, Linux, UiB ldapsearch users and places that contains æ, ø and å We needed to collect “Place” information per user from our LDAP server. The problem was that the description of the “Place” came […]