10 June, 201610 June, 2016bash, Linux Match email address If you have a file with several lines that contains email addresses that you like to extract, you can do that with […]
3 December, 20153 December, 2015Git, Linux, Uncategorized, Version control git-cola in Windows 7 I have Windows 7 on my computer, but needed to run a git gui tool for our project. Searching on Google I […]
6 January, 20155 February, 2016Video Using Kdenlive for making videos I have Linux Mint installed on my computer, and made several movies with Kdenlive. Works quite well. Here is a video about […]
17 September, 201414 October, 2014bash, Email, Linux, Mail Sending an email with a different From: address Sometimes you have to send an email with a different “From:” address. This can be easily done in LINUX. Please see the […]
1 August, 20141 August, 2014bash, Docs, Linux Searching in Excel files I had to find a specific Microsoft Spreadsheet among thousands of files on a mapped network drive O: on a Windows 7 […]
5 March, 201431 August, 2015bash, Database, Linux, Postgresql Postgresql 9.1 BACKUP DUMP BASH script We wrote an improved postgresql dump bash script for Postgresql version 9.1. This one will save each dump file with the name: […]
14 February, 201411 December, 2017bash, Linux, Mysql Mysql SQL in bash one-liner If you just need a quick way to get some data from a mysql database in your shell (bash), you could do […]