6 January, 20155 February, 2016Video Using Kdenlive for making videos I have Linux Mint installed on my computer, and made several movies with Kdenlive. Works quite well. Here is a video about […]
19 December, 20145 February, 2015Mediawiki Number of pages in a Mediawiki site I wanted to know how many A4 pages I would have to print on a printer, if I wanted to print all […]
20 November, 201419 October, 2015Apache, Wordpress Rewriterule HTTP_HOST in Apache We had to rewrite some specific domain names in our WordPress multisite. Most of our domains are on this form: something.w.uib.no In […]
28 October, 20145 February, 2015Open source Open Archive Here at the University of Bergen (UiB) we have an archive that we call Bergen Open Research Archive, short: BORA The adress […]
13 October, 20145 February, 2015Wordpress, Wordpress plugin Create a PDF book of your WordPress blog If you are thinking of creating a PDF file from all your posts in your WordPress blog, you can try this: First, […]
13 October, 20145 February, 2015Wordpress, Wordpress plugin Make a “copy” of an existing blog Someone asked me how they could make a “copy” of their existing blog. This is easy if you use WordPress export and […]