3 September, 201230 November, 2012Linux Using unix command ‘du’, disk usage Sometimes you like to know which folders are using up all your space on your Linux server. This command will sum up […]
14 June, 201225 October, 2012Linux Emails from Linux with æ, ø and å Sometimes one need to send an email from Linux (automated messages, warnings and so on). The problem is that the content looks […]
13 June, 201214 November, 2012bash, Linux, Mail Use ‘mutt’ to send email with attachment The unix ‘mutt’ command can be used to send an email with attachment: mutt -s “Test message” name@something -a files.tar < message.txt […]
11 June, 201211 December, 2017Database, Linux, Postgresql Postgresql 8.1 database bash dump script I’ve wrote a simple bash script to dump databases from a Postgresql 8.1 database server which uses the pg_dump and pg_dumpall. #!/bin/bash […]
25 May, 201225 October, 2012bash, Linux tar Create a tar file of files located in a folder: tar -cvf filname.tar foldername/ where: c = create v = verbose f […]
30 April, 20126 November, 2012PHP Extract img url links from HTML document I needed to find and get a webpage’s img src url links. I wanted to do this with a script on a […]
25 April, 20129 October, 2017bash, Ldap, Linux, UiB ldapsearch users and places that contains æ, ø and å We needed to collect “Place” information per user from our LDAP server. The problem was that the description of the “Place” came […]