bbPress is a WordPress plugin that enable you as an WordPress administrator to add a full Forum server to your site. I am testing it out now, and will install it soon on our Multisite WordPress solution. bbPress is promising, and because it can be used in a WordPress context, you can benefit regarding spam

I had to send emails to all the Blog admins in our WordPress Multisite installation. This is how I did it: [code lang=”php”] <?php # Alert Blog Admin php script # connect to blog db, select from, find all blog admin email adresses # get subject, body from pre-created local files, send the email #

In Linux you can use the command ‘find’ to find files and folders and then also do something with them on your system. Find all files that ends with the .php extension in the folder /var/www/: find /var/www/ -type f -name ‘*.php’ This will give you a list with a lot of files. So, what?

Git is a tool that can help you track changes in your files, specially when you share your files with your friends on a Linux server. Here is a very simple description: log into your server ssh foobarserver go to your folder where you want to track files cd to/your/folder/for-git-tracking/test/ create a local git repository

Sometimes you like to know which folders are using up all your space on your Linux server. This command will sum up the disk usage per folder, and print the result: du -m –max-depth=10 / | sort -r -n | head -10 – m (display in megabyte) – max-depth=10 (folder depth? Should be plenty, depends

Sometimes one need to send an email from Linux (automated messages, warnings and so on). The problem is that the content looks strange when received by the email clients. The issue could be related to character encoding and UTF8. Here is a php script I used to send an email with the correct character encoding.

The unix ‘mutt’ command can be used to send an email with attachment: mutt -s “Test message” name@something -a files.tar < message.txt where files.tar is the attached file, and message.txt is the file containing the message. Subject to the email is added with the -s option. In this case: -s “Test message” name@something is the