12 June, 201814 June, 2018Cygwin, Linux, Windows Cygwin rsync to synchronize files from Linux to Windows If you have a lot of files (several TB) on a Linux server, and you want to synchronize them daily to a […]
4 June, 201827 June, 2018Education, Open source, Science, Technology, UiB Workshop in Yerevan, Armenia In Yerevan we had a workshop in Oral Pathology where I presented both Cytomine and Moodle with video tutorials made by Anne […]
4 June, 20184 June, 2018bash, Education, Linux, Me "blogging", Open source, Science, Technology, Virtual server Analysing gigapixel images online is possible with Cytomine We have a collaborating project between Norway, Moldova, Armenia and Belarus in Oral Pathology. In order to view slides online we installed […]
12 April, 201812 April, 2018Apache Find all ServerNames and ServerAliases in several vhosts.conf files In Apache one specify the servername and serveralias in a virtualhost directive in possible a single .conf file. We had an Apache […]
12 April, 201812 April, 2018bash Use a variable counter in a bash one-liner I had 70 different domain names that I need to add in a ssl cnf file for creating a certificate request. The […]
4 April, 20185 April, 2018zsh Pimp my shell! Got a tip from my colleague JB! Want to refresh your terminal? Is it spring and time to freshen things up? Look […]