4 February, 201330 October, 2013Wordpress Multisite 3.5.1 Elvin We are upgrading to WordPress Multisite 3.5.1 tomorrow. In addition we are also upgrading 20 plugins and 7 themes. This time we […]
24 January, 20138 February, 2013Wordpress bbPress plugin is adding admin to all blogs After we upgraded our test wordpress multisite to 3.5 we realized that that both the ‘admin’ user and the other siteadmin users […]
30 November, 201230 November, 2012bash sed sed is a linux command that can replace characters and words in a file very easy! Syntax: sed -i ‘s/word/newword/g’ file.txt It […]
30 November, 201226 January, 2013Linux dig Sometimes you like to know some more what is behind a web-address or a domain-name. Then the linux command ‘dig’ can be […]
14 November, 201230 November, 2012Mail Akismet does the work! So far I have had 700 spam posts on my blog. Every one of these spam posts where detected by Akismet, and […]
31 October, 20126 November, 2012Me "blogging" Upgraded to 3.4.2, finally! Finally we have upgraded our WP multisite to 3.4.2! In this upgrade we also upgraded around 30 plugins and 8 themes. Also […]
25 October, 201230 November, 2012Me "blogging" bbPress bbPress is a WordPress plugin that enable you as an WordPress administrator to add a full Forum server to your site. I […]