20 August, 201620 August, 2016Git Merge to git repo Jeg hadde to git repo’er på samme maskin, men i ulike kataloger. Det som var ønskelig var å merge disse to repo’ene […]
3 December, 20153 December, 2015Git, Linux, Uncategorized, Version control git-cola in Windows 7 I have Windows 7 on my computer, but needed to run a git gui tool for our project. Searching on Google I […]
12 February, 201413 February, 2014Git Remove branch in remote git repo If you have a remote git repo, and you want to delete a branch there, you can do: [bash] # if you […]
12 February, 201431 March, 2015Git Move a local git repo to a remote repo Challenge: one have a local git repo on a Linux server where a big bunch of commit’s have been done. Now one […]
3 September, 201230 November, 2012Git, Linux Git Git is a tool that can help you track changes in your files, specially when you share your files with your friends […]