10 June, 201610 June, 2016bash, Linux Match email address If you have a file with several lines that contains email addresses that you like to extract, you can do that with […]
3 December, 20153 December, 2015Git, Linux, Uncategorized, Version control git-cola in Windows 7 I have Windows 7 on my computer, but needed to run a git gui tool for our project. Searching on Google I […]
22 October, 20155 February, 2016Uncategorized Vim (Vi improved) Vim is an editor on Linux and Unix systems. Tip 1: If you like to add “softwrap”, you can do this: :set […]
31 August, 20159 October, 2017Apache, bash, Postgresql Idle in transaction – DELETE waiting We have a Linux server (Redhat Enterprise 6) running a multi-site installation of Mediawiki. In total, we have today 120 unique wiki’s, […]
18 February, 20155 February, 2016bash Random numbers with bash I needed to get some quick random numbers that would represent a time on the form HH:SS. In my case the time […]
16 February, 20155 February, 2016Ldap, Postgresql Authenticate Postgresql client agains backend ldap We have a Postgresql server open to many different people at our organization. In order to add a ldap authentication you can […]
16 January, 20155 February, 2016Email Email list in From header Today I learned never to use an email list containg many email addresses in a From header when sending an email, unless […]