4 April, 20185 April, 2018zsh Pimp my shell! Got a tip from my colleague JB! Want to refresh your terminal? Is it spring and time to freshen things up? Look […]
23 March, 201823 March, 2018Linux Clear the cache on Redhat 5/6/7 On Redhat 5 and 6 we could empty the ldap cache with this command: nscd -i group and nscd -i netgroup But […]
19 February, 201819 February, 2018Uncategorized Caddy webserver with proxy to docker :) By my colleague Lennart: Fast and free HTTPS supported sites with Caddy (web)server with proxy to docker container HowTo
8 January, 201817 January, 2018bash Cron every last Friday of month We wanted to run a script every last Friday of the month. The script was set to remind people about certain issues. […]
13 December, 201712 April, 2018Email Do you have too many emails? More than 100 000 or so? Can’t find old emails anymore? I installed a program called MailStore Home program on my Windows computer. With this program you can connect it to all your […]
1 November, 201713 December, 2017bash, Linux Downgrade to previous version: yum Sometime yum update just breaks everything. We experienced this, and had to go backup to previous versions. In RHEL6 and RHEL7 you […]
24 October, 201727 October, 2017Me "blogging" Need special html characters on your website? Then you can use html entities, look here: https://www.freeformatter.com/html-entities.html For instance: Plus Minus sign: ± would be: ±