16 December, 202416 December, 2024Online courses, Wordpress WordPress can be used for online courses If you have an online course that can be accessed freely by anyone, WordPress is a good alternative. Use normal Posts and […]
16 September, 202417 September, 2024Security Use openssl to encrypt secrets If you have a secret key that you need to send to your friend, you certainly want to encrypt this secret. Sending […]
29 July, 2024Uncategorized Find the country of the IP from your logs First install the software: yum install GeoIP GeoIP-data Then: geoiplookup which gives: GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
16 June, 202320 June, 2024Uncategorized Apache reverse-proxy to Nginx I had a Nginx webserver that was behind a firewall, at the same time some external developers needed to access the website. […]
24 September, 202124 September, 2021Uncategorized Upgrading mariadb 5.5 to mariadb 10.6 to support moodle 3.11 First you need to stop the running 5.5. version: Make a backup of your mariadb datafolder: Then remove the 5.5 version: Download […]
14 September, 202119 October, 2021Mysql, PHP Machform error: Cardinality violation: 1242 Subquery returns more than 1 row We have a multiuser Machform PHP application running on a Redhat 7 Linux server with Apache webserver and MariaDB database. In a […]
21 May, 202121 May, 2021Uncategorized Couldn’t connect remotely with mysql client (command line and phpMyAdmin) to the MariaDB server I had a MariaDB server running on port 3306. I created a local MariaDB account ‘tommy’ with: CREATE USER ‘tommy’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY […]