DNS lookupEver wondered who is behind a domain name? Dig might help you:
dig www.dnsduerinteresserti.etalleranet soa
dig www.uib.no soa
yum og rpm
Easy install packages on Linux with yum and rpm.
Find what packages are ready for updating:
yum check-update
List out the whole rpm database, and find those who have something with php:
rpm -qa | grep -i 'php'
Did you loose your shell, you said!? Do you need more shell sessions?
Here is the scenario: you are logged into a server over a crappy internet link. You do some advanced stuff, and in the middle of a very important job, you loose the connection, and everything is lost!
Ach ja! and then you can start all over again.
Well, with ‘screen’ you can avoid this. Don’t loose your work anymore and use ‘screen’!
Some reading material:
Short version here. Start screen with:
Open a new windows (shell) in screen:
Go back and forward from window to window:
(n=next, p=previous)
Find a screen session:
screen -ls
Reconnect to existing screen session:
screen -r 31633.ttyp2.hosten
sed commando
If you need to replace words or characters in files, use sed!
sed -i 's/word/replacement/g' index.htm
- where “/” is the chosen separator sign
- where “word” is the word we like to replace, and “replacment” is the new word.
- index.htm is the file that contains the text
Example with other separator characters:
sed -i 's;^c:;/mnt/drive_c;g' pathfile.ini && sed -i 's:\:/:g' pathfile.ini
This will change c:\windows\sys32 to /mnt/drive_c/windows/sys32
find commando
Have thousands of files on your linux server? Find is the most powerful tool you can ever use on a Linux server!
If you like to find all files with extension .htm:
find / -type f -name '*.htm'
You can then add the -exec option to do some more interesting stuff.
“Find all files from / where file extension is .htm and then run ‘ls -al’:
The command:
find / -type f -name '*.htm' -exec ls -al {} \;
“Find all files from /var/www/html where the word ‘password’ is present.”
Unix/Linux command:
find /var/www/html -type f -name '*' | xargs grep -i 'password'
Find all lines with ServerName or ServerAlias
Some times you like to go through all the configuration files in Apache to find registered servernames and serveraliases. You can do this with this command:
find /etc/httpd -type f -name '*.conf' -exec cat {} \; | egrep -i "servername|serveralias" \ | grep -v '^#.*' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort | uniq
which is doing something like:
Find all files in /etc/httpd with the name ‘something.conf’, print out (cat) the content of these files to your screen, then grab all lines with ‘servername’ or ‘serveralias’, not case-sensitiv, remove all lines that start with a ‘#’, then remove all empty lines. At the end, remove dublicate lines.
If you have 100 pdf files, and you want to find which files contains a specific word, for instance: “technologies”, you can do that with this command:
set -f; find . -name '*.pdf' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; \ do echo $file; pdftotext "$file" - | grep -i 'teknologier'; done
The comand lists alle the filenames, and under the lines which contains the requested word.
find and sed together
If you have X number of files, in several folder, and you need to replace on word with another, you can do this with:
find /path/to/folder type -f -iname 'filnavn' -exec sed -i 's/oldword/newword/g' {} \;
find . type f -iname '*.htm*' -exec sed -i 's/\/radioweb\/teaching/\/teaching/g' {} \;