Open Archive

Open AccessHere at the University of Bergen (UiB) we have an archive that we call Bergen Open Research Archive, short: BORA
The adress is:

It is run with DSpace in a Tomcat context, with Apache frontend with reverse proxy, and backend database Postgresql. Everything on a Redhat Enterprise Linux Redhat 6 server. More about DSpace here at the University of Bergen can be read here: (sorry, norwegian only at the moment).

More about BORA at UiB:

There is also on archive at HiB:

and, “jaggu meg”, there seems to be something called NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archives) as well:

Create a PDF book of your WordPress blog

If you are thinking of creating a PDF file from all your posts in your WordPress blog, you can try this:

First, use the Tools – Export to create a xml file. Save it.

Then go to:

Upload your xml file, and Blogbooker will create it, and you can download the result afterwards.

Here is some posts exported to a pdf book from my Blog: blogbooker-book

Make a “copy” of an existing blog

Someone asked me how they could make a “copy” of their existing blog. This is easy if you use WordPress export and import.
Here at University of Bergen, people can create their own blogs at:

After creating the new blog, then posts, pages and other stuff can be exportet from the old one under Tools – Export.

Save the exported XML file somewhere on your computer.

Next thing is to activate the WordPress Importer plugin in the new blog that you just created. It’s done under Dashboard – Plugins (search for keyword Import).

Then, import the xml file under Tools – Import

To make it maybe clearer, I also made this video: