How to do a good scientific search, and manage to write something that people will believe in? Here is a informational website that you should look into, it is really informative, and it will prepare and help you to write in an academic way so that people can understand. Good luck!

I have Windows 7 on my computer, but needed to run a git gui tool for our project. Searching on Google I found several, but they all were software for Linux. We have plenty of Linux Redhat servers, but no one running X window. I installed then a Xming X server ( on my Windows

Vim is an editor on Linux and Unix systems. Tip 1: If you like to add “softwrap”, you can do this: :set wrap linebreak nolist then lines will be wrapped per word. If you like to cut and paste a section: Press v to start selecting. Move the cursor to the end of selection (up